Deposit and Withdrawal Flow

How Deposits & Withdrawals work on PERQ

Deposit to PERQ Pools:

  1. Connect your wallet, choose your Pool & Asset and Deposit.

  2. After confirming the Deposit transaction, your Deposit will be marked as pending. PERQ is using Yelay middleware to batch transactions to save on gas costs and to power key utilities of PERQ. If you want to read more about the details of how Yelay works, please refer to their docs.

  3. While a deposit is pending, it temporarily cannot be withdrawn as it is waiting to be swept into the underlying strategies powering the PERQ pool. As the sweep is called, funds are sitting in a smart contract waiting to be deposited.

  4. After the Sweep has been executed, your Deposit is finalized and earning yield. It is now available for withdrawal.

Withdraw from PERQ Pools:

  1. Connect your wallet and select the Pool you want to withdraw from.

  2. Ensure that your Deposit has been finalized and is not pending, as per above.

  3. Withdrawals from Drip work in two different ways: Slow and Fast. Slow Withdrawals work in a cheap & efficient two-step process that mark your withdrawal to be executed with the next Sweep. After the Sweep has been executed, you can claim your assets, thus finalizing the withdrawal. Fast Withdrawals are an expensive but quick way to withdraw your assets in a single step. You will forego waiting for the Sweep, and instead pay to withdraw from all underlying strategies by yourself while covering all gas costs yourself.

  4. Fast Withdrawals are finalized as soon as the transaction is confirmed while Slow Withdrawals finalize with your claim of withdrawn assets after the Sweep.

Last updated